"GOP Health Care Lawsuits"
Connection to the Constitution:
Amendment 10: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Analysis to the Connection:
When the tenth amendment was created the founding fathers had each state be in control of their own power and its people. The powers could not be prohibited from the states and was reserved to them in a respectful way and manner. The states could have done things their own way.
The 10th amendment protects each states control and power and its rights. The states had full protection from this amendment because they had control within their area.
In the political cartoon above shows that the government is giving states healthcare but the states say its only a privilige which means they can take it whenever. The government agents say they are on the same side as cancer which means there should a cure and a way to treat and remove it. So this Political cartoon is saying that it is a violation of the tenth amendment because the purpose of the amendment is so that each state is control of its actions and decisions.
I agree because the government means it is controlling the whole country but that of course is a violation of the tenth amendment. The only way I believe this political cartoon is not violating the tenth amendment is that if it enforced the fourteenth amendment.
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