Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freedom of Speech

"Dr. Laura, Sarah Palin, and the Fight over Free Speech" August 20, 2010

Constitutional Connection:
Amendment 1: "Freedom of Speech-Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Analysis of the Connection:
       The founding fathers had given each citizen of America certain rights that could not be violated by any law or by congress or anyone.  They had created certain limits to each right so not one person would violate the amendment.  When it comes to freedom of speech the limit it reached was that it could not become offensive to the people.  
       The people and government are both in control of this first amendment as long as none of them violated it.  The founders made sure that if anyone would violate the amendment would be charged for infringement. 
Dr. Laura Schlessinger opinion of the First Amendment
        In the article " Dr. Laura, Sarah Palin, and the Fight over Free Speech," Dr. Laura says that she wants her first amendment rights to be given back.  She says that "special-interest groups were limiting her freedom to express herself."  Sarah Palin leaves a tweet in twitter saying that America should not being criticizing her for expressing herself but being thankful for Dr. Laura standing up for what she believes is right.  Laura Schlessinger states that in the constitution it says "Congress shall make no law" which denies her to express herself freely.
       On one part I disagree with Dr. Laura because there are certain things you are allowed to say on national tv like when she had said the N-word many times on air.  This violated the freedom of speech right because what she had said was offensive to many people watching the show.  On another part I actually agree with her because she had apologized and shared with the people of what her opinion was on the first amendment which was in no violation of it in any kind of way.  Even though she had shared her opinion she did not violate the amendment but the special-interest group did because they had no right to limit her freedom of speech beside the government or state.

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