Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freedom of the Press

"U.S. Students say Press Freedoms go too Far"

Connection to Constitution:
Amendment 1: "Freedom of Press-Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Analysis of the Connection:  
     The founders created the first amendment so that citizens could have all the freedoms they could want, but with certain limits.  When they created this amendment they were careful of what rights should be given and that everything had to be in a respectful way.  
     The founders made sure that all rights to all citizens would be equal and that not one race had the upper hand.  The rights could only be taken to an extent as long as it did not become offensive to people.  
Students protesting about Freedom of the Press

       In the article "U.S. Students say Press Freedoms go too Far", students say that the press should be more careful and strict of what they release in the public.  Many students took surveys of what they thought about the freedom of the press.  Other students say that the press should release stuff out to the public that helps people better understand the first amendment and its purpose.
    I on one part agree with the students because sometimes the press releases stuff out to the public that is either necessary or appropriate for adults and young adults.  I believe that the freedom of press should be studied thoroughly so the press knows what is right to publish or what is wrong because the 1st amendment limits the rights to the press to an extent where it does not become a violation of the amendment.

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